
Precision Mechatronics at the IFAC World Congress, Toulouse, France, July 9-14, 2017

Join us in Toulouse, France at the IFAC 2017 World Congress to collaborate with other researchers and engineers on the design and control of precision mechatronic systems including motion control, 3D printing, nanopositioning, microscopy, and lithography. Previous sessions have been attended in equal numbers by industrial and academic participants. Topics of interest include but are [...]

Precision Mechatronics at the American Control Conference, Seattle, May 22-24, 2017

Join us in Seattle at ACC 2017 to collaborate with other researchers and engineers on the design and control of precision mechatronic systems including nanopositioning, microscopy, motion control, and lithography. The contributed papers will include advances from both academic and industrial researchers. In previous years, industrial involvement included companies such as: ASML, Agilent, IBM, NT-MDT, [...]

Modeling and Control of Biological Nano/Micro Systems at the American Control Conference, May 24-26, Seattle, USA

We invite technical contributions for an invited session in the field of modeling and control of biological systems at the 2017 American Control Conference (ACC). Contributions are solicited in areas including modeling, simulation, design, optimization, estimation, diagnostics and control methods with applications to various biological systems at the nano-/micro-scale. Please send your submission (a draft paper or extended summary) [...]

Precision Mechatronics at the American Control Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, July 6-8, 2016

Join us in Boston at ACC 2016 to collaborate with other researchers and engineers on the design and control of precision mechatronic systems including nanopositioning, microscopy, motion control, and lithography. The contributed papers will include advances from both academic and industrial researchers. In 2015, industrial involvement included: ASML, Agilent, IBM, NT-MDT, Nikon Corporation, Irmato Industrial [...]

Precision Mechatronics at ACC 2015

Invited Sessions on Precision Mechatronics at the American Control Conference, Chicago, Illinois, July 1-3, 2015 The sessions will focus on collaboration between groups working on nanopositioning, microscopy, motion control; and the wider control community. The contributed papers will include advances from both academic and industrial researchers. In 2014, Industrial involvement included: Nikon Corporation, Mori Seiki [...]

Micro and Nano-scale Positioning Systems at AIM 2014

Advances in Micro and Nano-scale Positioning Systems at IEEE Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Besançon, France, July 8-11, 2014 Despite the success of scanning probe and micro-scale systems, limitations still exist in terms of precision, operating speed, and reliability. Two invited sessions are proposed that will focus on novel mechanism design, advanced modeling techniques and control-related problems [...]

Precision Mechatronics at ACC 2014

Invited Sessions on Precision Mechatronics at the American Control Conference, Portland, Oregon, June 4-6, 2014 In recent years, the American Control Conference has become a leading forum for Precision Mechatronics. The proposed sessions continue this strong tradition and encourage future collaboration within the fields of nanopositioning, microscopy, motion control, and the wider control community. The [...]

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