Natã Franco is currently doing his PhD at the University of Newcastle in the Precision Mechatronics Lab – PML. He graduated from CEFET-MG (Brazil) as a Control & Automation Engineer (2018). Natã has worked with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in Tennessee, in the Astrophysics and Nuclear Physics Division (2014) and the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials, in São Paulo, in the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS).
- University of Newcastle International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (UNIPRS), 2018
- Highest GPA – Graduation of 2018.
- Dean’s List at Tennessee Technological University
- Scholarship at Tennessee Technological University from Science Without Borders Program – CsF, 2014
- FAPEMIG scholarship – Scientific Undergraduate Program, 2016 and 2017
- Scholarship from MEC – Program of Tutorial Education (PET), 2012-2013 & 2015-2016
- CEFET-MG (Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais), Brazil
Bachelor in Control and Automation Engineering
- Tennessee Technological University, United States
Exchange student in Mechanical Engineering
- CEFET-MG (Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais), Brazil
Vocational in Electrotechnician/Industrial Automation
Conferences Attended
- International Conference on Alive Engineering Education, 2017, Rio de Janeiro. ICAEEdu 2017
- 4th Joint Meeting of the Nuclear Physics Divisions of the American Physical Society and The Physical Society of Japan. 2014